All weather, loose lick formulation tailored to the general dietary lambs at risk of coccidiosis. Our feeds are made in South Australia in a Feed Safe Accredited Feed Mill ensuring a consistent product every time.
While coccidiosis is generally considered to be more of a problem with feedlot lambs, outbreaks can occur on pasture, especially with intensive grazing programs. Bovatec® in the mineral mix will help to prevent outbreaks of coccidiosis, the result is less scouring in lambs and improved ADG and feed conversion.
Macro MineralsOften grass dominant pastures can be found to be lacking in some or all of the following element Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium & Sulphur. As with all HFS mineral s, these key macro minerals are always included in the formulation to ensure deficiencies are not overlooked.
Trace MineralsTrace elements are all scientifically formulated based on specifications from the National Research Council Requirements for Sheep 2007.
Includes Zinc MethioninePremium source of key trace mineral Zinc supplied as Availa Zinc (Zinc Methionine). Benefits of feeding Availa Zinc include supporting immmune function, increased weight gains in and feed conversion in lambs.
Vitamins A,D,E & B1For improved immunity & performance. Supplementation of vitamins A & E in particular when they are in short supply commonly during summer months
Provide HFS Lamb Cocci-Stop Mineral in an accessible location as a
free choice in a tub. The standard consumption rate is fed at 20 to 30g per head per day. Always provide adequate fresh water and roughage at all times.
This product contains
Bovatec at 1250ppm. Copper free formulation available.
18% Crude Protien
5% FAT
12.1% MJ/kg ME
29% NDF
Ingredients:Lupins, Barley, Oats, Canola Meal, Canola Oil, Molasses, Cereal & Lucerne Chaff, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Salt, Zinc, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Selenium, Calsea Powder Advance, Vitamins A,D3,E,B1, Levucell SC Yeast & Bovatec @ 33ppm