Horse Pasture Seed Blends

Nurture your horses with specialised pasture seed blends. Designed for Australian conditions, our blends ensure palatability, nutrition, and horse safety, supporting healthy grazing and vibrant pastures.

5 products

Safe and Nutritious Pasture for Horses

Our horse pasture seed blends are low in fructans and high in digestible fibre, providing safe, nutritious grazing that supports equine health and wellbeing. Free of any problematic endophytes, higher i neutral detergent fibre and lower in sugars make it a safer option for horses.

Resilient Pastures for Australian Climates

Crafted for Australian conditions, these blends thrive in various environments. From drought resilience to year-round growth, they ensure reliable pastures for your horses. They are more persistent under set stocking for periods making them a better choice where resting of pastures may be difficult.

Designed for Palatability and Productivity

Formulated with safe grasses that horses love, our seed blends to be palatable, persistent and productive.

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All your questions answered

What is the best pasture grass mix for horses?

A mix of low-sugar grasses like fescue, prairie grass, lucerne, phalaris, perennial low endophyte-early flowering perennial rye grasses, timothy, and cocksfoot is ideal for horses. These blends are highly palatable and safe for equine grazing.

What is the best cover crop for horse pasture?

Grasses such as early flowering annual ryegrasses, ryecorn, and prairie grass are all fast establishing and tolerant of heavy grazing once established.

What is the best fertiliser for horse pasture?

A balanced fertiliser with low nitrogen levels and a focus on potassium and phosphorus is ideal for promoting healthy, safe growth in horse pastures.