Incorporates certified seed, supported by research and development, to enhance your pasture and boost productivity. Locally blended on-site in South Australia, ensuring fast turnaround and reliable access to seed whenever you need it.
A low endophyte variety with improved early season production. Has good rust resistance compared to Victorian and is bred for persistence.
Barberia Hybrid RyegrassWinter performance like an Italian with potential for persistance over 5 years. This is a highly palatable ryegrass that makes a good clover companion.
VNS Annual RyegrassA diploid annual that is fast emerging & establishes itself in a variety of soils. Excellent winter hardiness, heavy self seeder and ideal for haymaking.
Leona Prairie GrassA heavy self seeder with exceptional palatability. With improved winter yeilds, seedling vigour, productivity and persistance.
Marathon LE Perennial Ryegrass
Barberia LR Hybrid Ryegrass
Leona Prairie Grass
VNS Annual Ryegrass
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