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Combination of pelleted and prilled minerals for even distribution and improved animal acceptance.
Availa Zinc Performance MineralResearch has shown Availa Zinc helps improve gut health (intestinal epithelium integrity), increase average daily gain (ADG), improve feed conversion, as well as decrease foot and hoof problems in feedlot cattle and sheep.
Naturally occurring plant based essential oil extractsContains Activo Premium (a blend of naturally occurring plant based essential oil extracts) modulating rumen fermentation, thus improving the performance of small ruminants. Essential Oils included have 3 key modes of action:
- Digestive properties- Stabilize dry matter intake
- Rumen modulating properties- Improve feed efficiency
- Antioxidant properties- Stabilize rumen health
Inclusion rate 50kg per tonne of feed depending on the formulation
13% Calcium
3.6% Magnesium
6.7% Sodium
6.2 Chloride
Ingredients:Lupins, Barley, Oats, Canola Meal, Canola Oil, Molasses, Cereal & Lucerne Chaff, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Salt, Zinc, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Selenium, Calsea Powder Advance, Vitamins A,D3,E,B1, Levucell SC Yeast & Bovatec @ 33ppm