Consistent grain formulation tailored to the dietary needs of stud stock. Our feeds are made in South Australia in a Feed Safe Accredited Feed Mill ensuring a consistent product every time.
Lower protein, extra cereal grains to boost starch % in the diet to encourage animals to lay down that extra finish sometimes required.
Contains Availa 4 performance mineralsAvaila®4 is a nutritional feed ingredient for animals that contains a combination of organic zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt. These trace minerals are required by animals for numerous functions, including: immunity, reproduction, skin and hoof integrity, growth and muscle development, milk production, fiber digestion and energy metabolism. In addition, when an animal has the proper balance of trace minerals it is better able to cope with the challenging effects of stress.
Advanced Buffering SystemUtilises a “multi-pronged approach” of Levucell SC Pro-biotic Yeast, Calsea Powder Advance & Sodium Bentonite to help best manage any risk of ruminal acidosis.
Incorporates BovatecIncreased rate of weight gain for pasture cattle. Won't compromise feed intakes, keeps them eating.
Contains Probiotic Live Yeast LEVUCELL SCImproves fibre degradation, increases rumen pH helping maintain healthy rumen. At each stage of beef development, LEVUCELL SC shows significant improvements in average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (+3% to +6%). It excels during rumen-challenging periods by improving visible signs such as eating behavior, nervousness, and cleanliness.
Antioxidant enrichedField trials have observed up to 10% improvement in ADG (average daily gain) and up to 11%, improved fibre digestibility & microbial N output in the rumen (more protein yield) with the inclusion of extra antioxidants in the diet.
Introduce HFS Boost Beef Final slowly and increase to desired level over 14 days. This introductory period may be faster if livestock are already consuming grain such as the HFS Feedlot Starter. Always provide adequate fresh water at all times.
4% FAT
12.5% ME/MJ/Kg
4.5% FAT
17.5% NDF
Contains a selection of the following ingredients:Lupins, Barley, Oats, Canola Meal, Canola Oil, Molasses , Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Salt, Zinc, Cobalt, Iodine, Manganese, Selenium, Sodium Bentonite, Vitamins A,D3,& E, Levucell SC Yeast, Santoquin N, Bovatec @ 33ppm.