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Formulated to achieve efficient, rapid rates of gain in young growing sheep from the first day whilst never compromising the animal’s health.
Levucell SC Probiotic Yeast to give them the best start in life.The incorporation of Levucell SC Probiotic Yeast helps promote up early rumen development in lambs, giving them the best start for a lifetime production. Levucell SC improves fibre degradation and hence feed efficiency as well has assisting in maintaining a healthy stable rumen environment.
Best for Growing Young LivestockWhere hand feeding or controlled intake is preferred.
Quality Forage SourcesRough cut Lucerne and Cereal chaff are specifically selected in the diet to deliver a quality forage source with extra fibre length for improved rumen health and development.
CALSEA POWDER Advance Rumen BufferDerived from a fossilized red algae, is a completely natural functional ingredient containing highly bioavailable calcium and magnesium.The superior anti-acid properties of this natural pH manager act on ruminal pH in order to stabilize it, making it one of the preferred buffering agents for managing ruminal acidosis.
When feeding young livestock, provide only a small quantity of HFS Champion Lamb and replace daily. Always provide a good quality source of forage in the transitioning stage and a clean palatable long fibre forage onwards. Always provide adequate fresh water at all times.
18% Crude Protien
5% FAT
12.1% MJ/kg ME
29% NDF
Ingredients:Lupins, Barley, Oats, Canola Meal, Canola Oil, Molasses, Cereal & Lucerne Chaff, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Salt, Zinc, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Selenium, Calsea Powder Advance, Vitamins A,D3,E,B1, Levucell SC Yeast & Bovatec @ 33ppm